OMFG. To my flist that are Arashi fans, if you haven't found out by now, Arashi's All The Best 1999-2009 Album has broken the one million sales! OMEDETTOU ARASHI! YOUR FIRST MILLION SELLER! I'm so proud of you guys and i'm so proud to be your fan. You make us fans so happy ^^
MORE Arashi appearences. We don't know when it's going to be aired since this is just the info about it being recorded but still! We know Arashi's going to be on it! ^_^ Everyone look forward to it :D
YAY~ More Arashi appearences :3 This time Sho's going to be on The Shounen Club Premium on June 21 from 6:00~6:50 pm (JPN TIME) Everyone look forward to our adorable Sho-chan :)
XD Arashi's having so many appearences lately :3 whatever, the better for fans! :D This time Arashi's going to be appearing on Hey!x3.... Again... On June 14~ Everyone look forward to it :3
According to the Utaban page on TBS, Arashi is expected to appear on next week's Utaban (on May 31st) Yay~ Everyone look forward to a potential Nakai vs. Ohno fight :3